Page include
Concept of YoPage is free online business card for small business, freelancers,
Contact details:
Rating, Comments/Review
Image gallery: 5 images
Unlimited number of images/galleries through Online Galleries/Album hosted in a cloud services: OneDrive, Google Drive. You just need add embedded widget code
You can add/embed various widgets in your page, such as Chat, Booking. For example, using booking you can have potential clients to book your service directly from your page, this can be photo session for photographers, appointments for beauty salon, even more you can add and accept own payments for booking.
You can see Facebook chat added,
Embed personal online shop:
Help for small business have online presence and have help/advice if your business growing and need better website, more cloud services. Examples, capturing your paper receipts, tracking mileage , simple accounting, invoicing and accepting online payments,
Add Facebook Page profile with live timeline feed, events tab, etc
Add YouTube links
Add own personal blog articles (
Supported and tested chats: Markeaze, Facebook, but if you have another service or platform that support embedding into website, let us know and we can add if it works.
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